Celestine Moments

By Sarah Ban Breathnach

These are only hints and guesses,Hints followed by guesses, and the rest I
Is prayer, observance, discipline, thought and action.


Carl Jung called it "synchronicity": two seemingly unrelated events that cannot be explained by cause and effect but are uniquely linked by personal meaning.

We call it coincidence. Serendipity. Luck. Chance. Fate. We call it everything, but what it really is: Grace. God. When chance events occur "at just the right moment, and bring forth just the right individuals to suddenly send our lives in a new and important direction," James Redfield tells us in The Celestine Prophecy, we're meant to "intuit higher meanings in these mysterious happenings."

But most of the time we're too busy to pay attention. Too busy with real life to give Real Life more than a passing nod. So the celestine moment is written off with an "Isn't that interesting?" shrug instead of a "What do you suppose this means?" inquiry. And instead of waiting for Spirit's reply, we're off again in a thousand directions.

Artists depend on the higher harmonic of synchronicity. And because they expect it, they receive it. Today, begin an experiment in enlightenment. For one week operate on the assumption that nothing that happens in your daily round is accidental. Cast a wider net. Pay close attention to your dreams. Follow your urges. Honor your hunches. Use intuition as the spiritual tool it is. Consider what movies you're interested in seeing.

Really listen to the lyrics of songs. If someone suggests something new for you to do, try it. If a lecture or workshop sounds interesting, go to it. Notice what books you're drawn to. Strike up conversations with strangers who sit next to you or someone interesting-looking who makes eye contact. Be receptive and alert. See how many celestine moments you can accumulate in the course of a day. The more open you are to synchronicity's role in your life, the more magnetic you become to Divine assistance.

Source: Simple Abundance - A Daybook of Comfort & Joy

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