Heaven Watching Over You

We all have angels guiding us. . . . They look after us. They heal us, touch us, comfort us with invisible warm hands. . . . What will bring their help? Asking. Giving thanks.


Do you remember the comfort and joy of an imaginary playmate when you were a child? Just because the rest of the world couldn't see your con­stant companion, didn't mean he or she wasn't Real. 

What's more, your reassuring companion spirit is still an immediate presence in your daily round-guarding, protecting, guiding, inspiring, and loving you-even if it's been a long time since you made mud pies together in the backyard.

Angels are our proof of God's love for us, continuous reminders that we're not alone. Almost everyone has had an experience of being pulled back from danger by an invisible force. 

At that moment we felt that Heaven was truly watching over us. And we were right. While over two-thirds of us believe in the existence of angels, not everyone is ready for an intimate earthly relationship with a Heavenly superior being.

For the last three years, I've enjoyed an intimate relationship with my guardian angel, whom I call Annie. As I committed to my spiritual growth, I consciously sought a mystical friendship, and it has brought me great joy, comfort, security, and peace.

Annie's greatest gift has been helping me relax. She frequently reminds me that Real Life isn't a one-woman melodrama although I have a tendency to keep rewriting the script.

However much I'd like to, I've never seen her. Angels cannot be conjured up on demand; they're not genies in magic lamps. However, we can call on these constant companions to guide, help, and inspire us.

"Our angels know us more intimately than our parents or our spouses. They care passionately about our well-being, and about our physical health, too.

Eileen Elias Freeman tells us. "They know what we do, what we pray; what we see and say. They watch over the life and death of every single cell, and they love us, because they are beings who come from God, and God is love."
Although there are more books on angels today than ever danced on the head of a pin, Freeman's books, Touched By Angels and Angelic Healing, are my favorites.

She argues convincingly that deep and abiding angelic "coun­ters are only possible when we become aware that the special relationship we really seek is with Spirit. We may love the message and the messenger, but we should never forget the One who sent it.
As with every spiritual gift, we must ask our angels to help us.

We must ask Spirit to deepen our relationship with our Heavenly guardians, offering thanks that the lines of celestial communication are continuously open.

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